Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 Reasons Why Informational Products Sell So Well

Despite the state of the economy and the fact that most people are struggling to make ends meet and get by, curiously enough some parts of the economy are still going very strong and some niches and product markets are still doing very well and are in fact thriving in this downtrodden economy. One instance of this is informational product sales.

An example of an informational product would be like an electronic book, also known as an eBook, based on weight loss. A self-proclaimed guru in the field of weight loss writes a book based on everything they know about weight loss or everything they've researched about weight loss and then takes it to an online affiliate network and sells it to people online.

Informational products have always sold very well, so much so that there are specific affiliate networks which exclusively deal in the sales of digital products and a great deal of their inventory is made up of these kinds of products.

Take ClickBank, for example. Here is an affiliate network which exclusively deals in digital products, and a vast majority of their products are eBooks. ClickBank generates sales of over $1 billion every year just to give you an idea of how big the informational product marketplace is and how often people are willing to pay and pay well for an informational product.

This begs the question of, when the same information is generally available elsewhere on the Internet and for free at that, why do informational products sell so well?


The vast majority of what people pay for when they purchase one of these eBooks is convenience.

eBooks are available for instant download to your computer as soon as you pay for them, and with the way and language with which these products are promoted, the consumer gets the idea in their head that this book is the be-all end-all solution to their problem, so if they can find that solution as soon as they purchase the eBook; well when you think in those terms, it's no wonder why these products sell so well across the board in all kinds of different niches from health to how to do everything in between.

(Perceived) Quality

The second reason informational products sell so well is because of the perceived quality associated with them.

Often times the merchants behind the product, the person who wrote that book themselves, puts far more time into the promotion of that product and specifically into the creation of sales page for that product, more time than they spend writing it itself.

They make an elaborate sales letter on their sales page which explains why this is the best product which anyone will find on this particular topic of interest anywhere be on the Internet or on bookshelves in a physical format.


The last reason for why informational products sell so well is because they are relatively inexpensive in most cases. Most eBooks sell for anywhere between $15 and $30. For most people, it's easy to justify a purchase of $30 or under, especially if as I talked about a moment ago that product guarantees the solution to their problem.

Receiving an instant solution to an ongoing problem which you may have had for a long time and for a cost of under $30 at bat, it's no wonder for why these informational products sell so very well. And consequently it explains why so many people get into the business of writing their own informational product in hopes of it selling very well.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

6 Steps to Creating Your Own Information Product That Even A Newbie Can Follow And Create Success

In this article I'm going to give you the six steps to creating your own information product. If you follow step-by-step through the process you will be able to create your own information product and be able to market it to your exact audience. This is going to be highly valuable if you are clueless on how to create your own product.

Step one: In order for you to even know what you're going to create for your product you need to select the audience that you will be helping. For anybody who is clueless on where to begin it's as simple as selecting the audience that you want to target. An example of a target audience would be men that have huge bellies. Another would be men who want to get their ex-girlfriends back.

Finding a target audience is going to be the most important structure step that you take in creating your own information product. You will need to have a target audience that you focus on in order for you to come up with a product that will be in demand.

Step two: Once you've selected the audience you will need to find out the problems that they are having to create a solution. Let's take the same example above of men that have huge bellies. The first thing that you want to figure out is what your target audience's problems are and if they are actively searching to solve them.

The best way to find your audiences wants and desires is to go to forums with a bunch of your target audience asking questions and voicing their issues and concerns. This is an easy way of doing market research and understanding the ongoing problems that your target audience is going through. You will be able to find out information to help you create multiple products if you want.

Step three: Once you know who your audience is and the problems that they are facing you will need to get the information to solve the problems. If you have no clue on how to solve their problem you will need to do extensive research to find solutions. In many cases the information is free online. The hardest part about getting information will be the time consumption it takes to find all the different answers. You will be surprised on how many complex problems are available on the Internet, for free, if you do detailed research.

Step four: Create the product. Create a table of contents from all the information that you have gathered from your target audience and then write out the body based on the information you've gathered from your research. This is as simple as you referring to to all the information that you of research and writing in a compelling way with your own words.

Step five: Create your sales copy for your product. You'll need a sales page in order for you to be able to sell your product to your target audience. The sales page that serves as your advertisement to what your product will offer. The best advice I've received on creating a compelling sales copy is to list a ton of benefits that your target audience will receive if they buy your product.

The easiest way to find the benefits inside of your product is to carefully go through your product and any time when you see something that is incredibly important write it out in benefit form. On your sales page list the benefits that your target audience will receive and reference to the page number they will find it on.

Step six: You will need a payment processor in order for you to be able to receive payments. The easiest nontechnical payment processor is Pay Pal. You will to set up the technical aspects of delivering the product. You also need to set the technical aspects of receiving payment. Make sure you set the price of the product at an affordable price to your target audience's financial ability. Follow these six steps and you will be able to have your own information product up and running in no time.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Easy Ways to Find Content For Your Audio Products   

2 Step Process to Create an Information Product in 1 Day

In this article I'm going to share the two-step process I use to create information products in a matter of hours. I will show you how simple and easy it can be to create your own products. To build a successful online business you need to be able to create products on a regular basis to keep up-to-date with changes in your niche and as your customers let you know what else they want and need from you to help them overcome their challenges and reach their goals.

The two steps are preparation and creation. Preparation is crucial to making the process as quick as possible. I am working on the assumption that you know your niche, know the topic you are going to create the product about. Otherwise there will be an additional step you need to take, namely research which would mean it would take you longer to produce the final product. The other key to fast product creation is choosing the right medium. The two fastest types of product to create are audio and video (the type of video where you just talk to camera) compared with an eBook or slide show style video (both of these are useful in certain circumstances).

The preparation part of the process could be done in about an hour. The basic idea is to brainstorm all that you know about the topic of your product and then organise it logically. It's a good idea to get into the zone creatively first. Just a few minutes of deep breathing and relaxation will help you to empty your mind of other distractions and optimize your brain waves to enable the ideas to flow. Don't judge anything, just write down anything and everything that comes to mind. It can be helpful to set an alarm for say half an hour and just capture as much as you can in that time. Then you need to group the ideas together and decide on what order to present them to convey your information as clearly as possible.

The creation part of the process will take as long as the product you want to create. So a 1 hour audio takes 1 hour to record with maybe just a few extra minutes to set things up and save and edit the recording afterwards. You are going to record based on the notes you created in the preparation stage. It takes some nerve to start with but there really is no need to write it all out like a script. So there are the two steps it really is as simple as that.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   How to Make an eBook Into an AudioBook   

Biting the Bullet and Learning How to Program

Sometimes impatience can be a virtue in its own right. Simply put, being impatient is one of the best catalysts for taking action that wouldn't normally be that urgent.

After four plus years of working in the tech space in one form or another (web design, iOS development, enterprise software etc.)-and always being on the biz dev/marketing/sales side of the equation-I've gradually moved closer and closer to the conclusion I reached several weeks back: I need to learn to program.

Startup people usually fall into two buckets: builders and sellers. But in the early stages of a startup (read: prospective company), marketing and sales just don't matter. If you are a non-technical, business-oriented founder, its really easy to convince yourself otherwise. You can spend a lot of time working on the periphery of what actually matters-building decks, designing logos, constructing product positioning. These things are still important and can ultimately make a big difference in how successful your startup is. But you can't put the cart before the horse until you've determined you're building something people actually want.

Steve Blank defines a startup as "a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model". In other words, a small group solely dedicated to running back-to-back experiments until they find something that works. In my mind, I picture a team of oil drillers in a dry desert. They pick a square piece of land (a space in the market) and start drilling holes all over kingdom come until they find some evidence that they should stay in that spot and keep drilling. The faster they can fail, the faster they can hit black gold, or in reality product/market fit.

Which brings us full circle: the only way to truly test whether you are building something people actually want is to put it in the hands of real people. Which means you have to build it. You. Have. To. Build. It.

Now this doesn't mean that you have to set out to become a full-stack software engineer. I know I will never reach that level and that's not my goal. The goal is to be able to build prototypes that people can touch and experience. I'm a seller by nature and always will be, but to be a better co-founder, I want to be a seller who can build. If you can put a team together of sellers who can build and builders who can sell, I believe you are exponentially increasing the chances that you can run enough experiments in a market to find a reason to keep drilling.

The process of converting yourself into more of a builder may seem really daunting at first. But if you are in the same boat I'm in, I would encourage you to look back at your time on the Internet over the years and you may know more about programming than you think. I remember having a MySpace page a million years ago. I was unsatisfied with how it looked and remember trying to hack those ugly ass themes from one of those generators so it wouldn't look like complete shit. It was a bunch of trial and error-messing around with widths, divs and switching out images-but it was programming. Then during the web design days, I remember being impatient waiting for programming changes to get done, so I would log into cPanel, open various.html files and figure out how to make the change myself. It wasn't perfect, but it was programming. See where I am going with this?

I'm only 4 week into this process so I can't offer any advice as someone who has successfully crossed the coding chasm, but I can tell you what I've been doing and maybe you can give it a shot. My strategy has been two fold: 1) to build an actual iOS app using Xcode to get hands on coding experience and 2) read several books to gain a theoretical understanding of programming to anchor my learning.

Two books I've been reading are:

Practical Programming and Head First Programming which also uses Python as a baseline. As far as hands on programming, I've been working my way through the Xcode tutorials and Google's App Engine Tutorial. I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made so far and am hoping to have the app fully built by the end of the summer.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   How Gamification Can Turn Businesses Into Winners   

2 Ways to Quickly Create a Product to Sell

In this article I'm going to share two of the quickest ways to create a product to sell online. If you are looking to start up your own business then creating products that you can sell and deliver via the internet is the cheapest and easiest solution. Indeed the internet can help you at many stages of your product creation. It's an excellent source of ideas and an easy way to research whether there is likely to be a demand for your product. You can access and download many of the resources you might need for creating your product. And, of course, it is fantastic for launching your product in so many different ways.

Expert Interviews

Conducting and compiling interviews with experts in your niche is one of the fastest and easiest ways to create a must-have product. It may seem a daunting prospect to approach these leaders but surprisingly many of them are only to happy to give you an interview. They love to talk about their area of expertise and are eager to reach out and get their message to as many people as possible and make a big impact. If you really are intimidated then you could start by interviewing rising stars who are successful but less well-known.

To prepare you need to consider what questions your potential customers would like answered. You can start by listing the questions you want to know the answers to or wanted to know before you moved on to a higher level of understanding and experience in your niche. However I strongly recommend that you survey your potential market regarding the challenges they are facing and most want solutions to. It would be helpful to send your interviewee the questions in advance so they can be fully prepared.

Articles/Blog Posts into an eBook

The second really quick way to produce an online product is to use articles or blog posts that you have already written and compile them into an ebook. Even though people could potentially get all of this information for free by reading all your articles or posts, you are making it quicker and easier for them by combining them into one source. You are also giving them a structure so that can grasp how all your nuggets fit together to help them learn and achieve the desired end result. Apart from cutting and pasting the information into the right order, you will need to tie it all together by adding a suitable introduction and final summary.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   5 Simple Steps To Creating A Digital Information Product Using A Resource Report   

Tips for Creating a Product That Will Solve Someone's Problems

This article is about creating products that solve people's problems. To be honest if your product doesn't solve someone's problem, in fact a problem for a lot of people, then it's probably a waste of time creating it. People buy for two main reasons. One is to avoid the pain of a challenge of some sort and the other is because they believe the product will bring them pleasure in some form. However the greater motivator is pain. People will be more likely to spend money to solve an issue that is really hurting them in some way and will pay more to overcome a challenge in most cases than to just to experience pleasure.

Having explained why it's best to create a product that solves a problem, preferably a common problem, here are some tips on how to do that. One way to identify a potential challenge is to look back over your own life. Customers will be attracted to you because they feel you can relate to them, that you have something in common. So it stands to reason that they might well be struggling with the same issues that you have in the past. So think about the challenges you've overcome and don't belittle your achievements e.g. it can't have been a big deal because I was able to solve it.

Of course, the best source of ideas for your product are your market, your potential or existing customers. So ask them what their current challenges are. If you have a list, send out an email. If not, think about where you could connect with people in your particular niche. Are there forums or groups that you could get involved with? Just by skimming through the posts you will probably get a good idea about what people are most interested in and of course, you can ask them directly too. If you want to increase your response rate then offer them an incentive - something that they perceive as valuable but that is low or no cost to you.

If at all possible, arrange to speak directly with potential or existing clients to really dig deep into what problems they want help with. Offer short free consultation calls where you actually do most of the listening by asking them questions about what challenges are holding them back and what they would like to achieve. Record these to analyse later as they will be a goldmine not just for creating your products but also for your marketing resources. If you do these things then you will find it easy to produce a product that meets your market's needs and therefore sells.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

How to Screen Affiliates

I'm about to extend my affiliate product to DigiResults. One of the things which separates DigiResults from a ClickBank is that with ClickBank anyone can instantly promote your product. They are held in check and made sure that they can't cheat you the merchant because ClickBank doesn't pay out affiliates on commissions which they've earned for a couple of weeks. When a customer requests a refund, that commission is debited from the affiliate's account.

On the other hand, with DigiResults affiliates and merchants are paid instantly; a very attractive aspect for affiliates and merchants alike. The downside is that this gives room for more disreputable affiliates to con merchants (think closing out their account very soon after generating some sales so that any refunds are left in full 100% for the merchant to pay for themselves).

Therefore, it behooves anyone using DigiResults to know how to screen affiliates to ensure that you only have the most reputable affiliates promoting your product. The best thing which you can do is to send all new affiliates who apply to promote your product an email in which you ask them or make note of these 3 key things.

Website - First and foremost, ask all new affiliates what the URL is for the site they plan on using to promote your product so that you can check it out.

Marketing Strategies - Most affiliate networks which you apply to will ask you how you plan on promoting their offers. This is a great question because it weeds out the phonies, so ask your potential affiliates which marketing techniques which they use (PPC, email marketing, SEO, etc.).

Email Provider - Check out their email provider. Ideally they'll apply to your program using a custom URL for the website they'll promote your site through. You likely want to be wary of hotmail or yahoo accounts as these are typically used for spam over and over again.

Also, be sure to block affiliates who have already been approved but later turn out to be fraudulent. DigiResults has a block affiliate ability so that you can add an affiliate's email address so that you don't have to waste time with them again in the future.

More recently, DigiResults has added the ability for merchants to hold payments to all new/specific affiliates of their choosing. This is a major advantage which puts DigiResults on the same level as ClickBank and other affiliate networks but with the extra benefit of letting the merchant pick and choose payment schedules for all of their affiliates. This means that your proven affiliates can continue being paid instantly if you so choose.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

Types of Info Products That Sell Best

This article is for anyone looking to create their own info products to sell online. I am going to reveal what types of info products that sell the best. An info product typically comes either in the form of an ebook, an audio (mp3 recording) or a video. All three have their advantages and disadvantages and you might consider using the same content in each format as everyone has their own preference for how to learn new ideas and skills. Here are the top 3 criteria you need to take note of to create your own best-selling info product.

The most important secret to creating an info product that will sell well is to know your market. You need to be actively engaging with your potential customers, keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing and continually increasing and deepening your knowledge and skill level within your niche. The simple truth is that if you design a product that gives people what they need and want then it will sell -- assuming you get your marketing right so that the right people get your message. It needs to be something they want as well as need. If they are not yet aware of their need for your message or solution, then you will also have to educate them first on why they need it.

The best-selling info products fall into one of the following general niche categories: health, wealth and relationships. People are naturally interested in products that will help them to feel better, look better and have a better standard of living. Obviously there is a lot of competition within these niches but that's a good thing as it shows that there is a good market for them. The trick is to narrow down your particular topic within a niche either by targeting a specific group of people or by tackling a particular challenge or by tackling a common challenge in a unique way. Basically you need to create something different in some way from what everyone else is offering and then you won't need to worry about competition.

A key characteristic of an info product bestseller is that it is simple and easy to learn, use and get the promised results. People have such busy lives these days that you must present your information so that it can be easily absorbed and understood. You need to spell out what actions they need to take, step by step, and how to do them.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

Resilience And Non Profit Organizations

The challenge to an organization's resilience comes in many different shapes and forms and can be a threat to any or all of the three main components of an organization: People, Places (infrastructure) and Processes.

The effects of a destructive situation can last from hours to years regardless of the cause. Challenges to an organization's resilience can originate with people or nature, and be deliberate, accidental or random. Surveys tracking the long-term effects of crisis and disaster situations have observed that these events unfortunately can and often do lead to the complete demise of organizations.

'Resilience' has many definitions and has been applied in many fields. Although it has been used as an antonym to the concept of 'vulnerability', deeper examination reveals that the two are orthogonal to each other. While 'vulnerability' is often measured in cost ('how much will it cost to return to previous levels of functioning?'), resilience as it is applied to social/communal situations is more a measure of time ('how fast can we return to the previous level of functioning?'). When any organization faces a crisis, time is of the essence. When a community depends on an organization - as in the case of many nonprofit organizations - the resilience of the organization(s) often determines the fate of the community.

Organizations and their leaders differ with regard to their ethical orientation. Some organizations and leaders are utilitarian in nature (i.e. value an approach emphasizing a cost-benefit analysis). Other organizations are more ethical in orientation (i.e. value doing what is 'right' regardless of what it costs). Leaders who are moral and ethical know that prioritizing the funding, cultivation and implementation of resilience planning are not decisions based solely on urgency. Rather, they are based on importance. Being proactive in planning and preparing is not just the 'right thing to do,' it also results in fewer situations developing into crises and disasters. Moreover, in embarking on a process of enhancing resilience, organizations and their leaders learn a great deal about how to improve their internal and external processes and better meet the goals of their mission.

Many believe that not-for-profit organizations are the 'glue' that holds communities together. As the 'glue,' they are ethically and morally (let alone legally) obliged to create and implement resilience and preparedness plans that will ensure their ability to continue to provide their invaluable services. The consequence of lack of preparedness is not one that can be tolerated by many of the recipients of the services provided by these organizations. Failure to provide these services will lead to irreparable damage to the social fabric of the community and the community's own sense of resilience in the face of adversity.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   

Are You Making The Most Of Product Creation?

Creating your own product gives you a wide variety of options. Most people create a product, launch a landing or squeeze page, add a sales page and maybe an up sell and then just leave it at that.

They promote and sell their eBook without taking advantage of a multitude of ways they can use the content.

Let us have a look at how much mileage you can get from just one ebook.

Firstly, use some of the chapters for a smaller product to use as a give away. This can be used as a teaser to encourage sales of your ebook. Most people can't resist a freebie and this is a great way to whet people's appetite.

Don't just use random chapters, make sure that you end up with a stand alone product, but leave each chapter with a question and a reference to your ebook. For instance, 'Would you like to know how to resolve this problem?' See my eBook for the answer to this and other questions.

You now have a report that you can give away and use to promote your ebook. Make your report roughly half the size of your ebook.

Break the report down and use it as a mini series for a newsletter. This is a great way to get subscribers added to your list. People will be eager to get the next part of the series, and again you can use it as a teaser for your ebook.

Use social media and tweet tips, add parts to your Facebook and Google+ page with a link back to a blog post promoting your ebook.

You already have several ways to market your ebook, but there are still more.

You can convert either your eBook or report into articles and submit to article directories. Vary the length of your articles, some 400-600 words long and others around 1000 words long.

Some ezine publishers prefer longer articles, so this will give you a greater chance of your articles being picked up and re-published.

Create more teasers for your eBook by doing a mini series on your blog. Use different chapters than the ones you used in your newsletter to ensure continued interest.

You can also turn it into a video and use it as an upsell, some people prefer videos to PDF files and are willing to pay more for them.

Finally transcribe it into audio so people can listen to it on the go, quite a lot of people prefer this. They can listen on the way to work or while taking the children to school.

If you think that this looks like a lot of hard work, trust me, all you have to do is copy and paste and you have a variety of ways to promote your ebook. Don't forget to include the link to your landing page when you offer your free report.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   

Ebook Creation - How Long Should My Ebook Be?

In this article I will discuss how to decide the length of your ebook. In order to make this decision you will need to identify the purpose of your ebook. The decision will also be based on the price you intend to charge or not, if you want to write an eBook to giveaway.

However in simple terms your eBook should be long enough to do justice to your topic, to give your readers the information they need to achieve the result promised and no longer. It is the results or benefits that your reader will gain from reading and applying the content of your eBook that are most important not the length. Indeed people are so overloaded with information these days that the shorter and more concisely you can convey your message the better. A short eBook that gets results is better than a long one that is hard to follow and makes the reader search for the gems within it.

So what do you want to do with your ebook? What do you want your eBook to achieve for you and for the reader? It is important to get clear on the answers to these questions which will help you to decide how long your eBook should be. If you are creating an eBook to giveaway in return for joining your email list, for example, then I suggest that you keep your eBook short, say 10-12 pages. All you want to do is give them a taster of what you could do to help them, enough to help them feel you know your stuff and can be trusted. Always focus on helping your reader overcome a challenge and/or get a better result than they have previously.

Even if you intend to sell your ebook, then this principle of making it easy to read, follow and put into practice still apply. The price of your eBook should be based more on the value of the outcomes or results that they could achieve using the information you provide. However if you are charging a higher price then they will expect more than just 10-12 pages. There are no hard and fast rules. You need to do your research and check out your competition.

Another reason why you might decide to create a more lengthy eBook is if you intend to publish it via Amazon, etc with the purpose of building up your reputation and credibility. Here you are looking to get into the best sellers list and not necessarily to make money.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   

Easy Information Product Creation - Ask the Experts at Online Forums

Information product creation is often seen as an insurmountable, if not impossible task for prospective online marketers and newbie writers as well. There is however and often overlooked strategy to compile your content and thus cut down your research time substantially, by simply consulting experts within the field or niche that you are targeting.

Nothing can be more simple than locating the experts in your field of interest and then to approach them. You can start off by looking at online forums and find the most prolific contributors and the other members who provide the most valuable information. Look out especially for those who write extensive comments as this is generally an indication that they are very knowledgeable on the topic.

Make it your express duty to then find their e-mail addresses and gather all additional contact details. This must include but not be limited to their forum ID, full name or nickname where applicable, and any other relevant information about them, which should be captured into a word processing document.

You must then send them an email with a list of your questions and be optimistic that they will respond positively with some of the valuable information that you after. As a precautionary however, it is sometimes not that wise to just e-mail them out of the blue in the hope that they will respond to your question with no perceived reward on offer. Consider the following important steps first, as it will substantially increase your chances of getting them to answer:

1) At firstly, make contact with them through the forum that they posted on. It is quite easy to respond to any of their questions, back up their responses or add additional positive feedback to elevate their importance. There is also nothing wrong to engage in some general chatting, and even try to get on first name terms as a means of breaking the ice and ultimately converse on a more personal level.

2) Secondly, it will become essential for you to offer them a perceived high value incentive to answer, because it is highly unlikely they'll do something for nothing. These experts most likely have businesses ventures that they run on a full-time basis

and do not have much free time to assist others. But what incentives could be deemed as appropriate to offer them? A personal acknowledgement within your product or eBook will carry a lot of weight and must be a serious consideration. Alternatively, you could give them a cut of your profits from your book but if you are contacting more than two experts then this could erode your profit margins.

Once you have finalised your incentive scheme, it then becomes important to formulate a set of questions that you need answered. If by example, you have 12 questions you want answered and have 3 experts or gurus lined up then send four different questions to each guru to cover all 12. It is of course possible that you maybe answered some of them already through your own online or offline research.

The more substantive your answers as obtained from online forum experts, the better this will be for the quality and revenue potential of your information product.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   

Understanding Online Printing and Its Benefits

Almost all things can be done online - online business, online text messaging, online games, online jobs - and publishing your photographs or other materials can also be done online. You might wonder how that is possible. Well, online publishing is basically finding some online company to output whatever it is that you want to have printed, and that is not just mediocre printing but you can have professional publishing as well. It's as simple as finding an online printing company, order out the type of output you want, send your pictures or the files you want printed, then pay off using online payment methods, and that's it. Your files or output shall be delivered to you within five days, depending on how speedy your chosen company is. But why should you choose to have files or pictures printed online anyway? Here are a few reasons why.

• It's convenient. When you order some online company to output out your stuff, then there are no hassles involved. Just make your order in a span of ten minutes, and then make the payment and in a few days you will receive your output. It's a quick and easy way; you don't need to go to a publishing shop and fall in line to make payments or orders.

• At any time of the day, you can simply ask the online publishing company to output stuff for you. The website will serve you 24 hours a day for 7 days. This would just mean that even if you need something urgent printed in the wee hours of the night, you can have it done.

• You can freely choose the materials to be used in publishing such as the paper quality, ink quality and the like. You can choose from a wide array of choices, selecting materials that can suit your budget.

• Just like any other local impression shop, you can output anything you want. You can have bookmarks printed, catalogs, posters, flyers, just about anything. They may be based online but they can do a lot of things with the printing.

• Lastly, you can get cheap rates when you choose to output your stuff online, that's because there's a tough competition in online printers as well as local printers, so some companies tend to lower their rates.

All in all, you'll have convenience at the tip of your fingers when you choose to have your files printed online. So, look for the right company and start choosing the design for your prints, and you can have your output delivered that quickly and easy.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   How to Create a Three-Dimensional Product   

How Creating Your Own E-Book Can Boost Your Online Revenue

If you're serious about starting a business online and want to create a full-time income, there are many different options to choose from. You could, for example, focus on creating an e-commerce website that sells physical products like electronics, furniture, or pet supplies. While this is a great option, it also comes with many headaches that you may not have anticipated (like establishing credit card payment accounts, dealing with customer complaints, and processing the shipping and handling tasks for your orders).

If thinking about all these hassles is enough to make you forget about selling physical products, then you might be interested in building a serious business around information marketing. Simply put, you can create your own information products and make money by providing your customers with solutions to their problems.

You can teach people how to lose weight, how to build a muscular physique, how to stop their dog from barking all day, or how to grow more tomatoes in their backyard. There really are many possibilities to explore if you wish to create your own information products.

What is the best type of information product to create?

Audio recordings, video courses, and even personal coaching would all be considered information products. Each of these types of products has some benefits, including a higher perceived value and the ability to improve your overall brand and credibility.

Nevertheless, a traditional e-book is an excellent way to get started in information marketing, and in our opinion this is your best bet for getting started. It's so simple that all we need is a word processing program and a free PDF converter. Some people are not comfortable with their voice in order to create audio recordings, while other people don't want to bother with the technical aspects of creating video courses. E-books are excellent alternatives. They are still popular and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

You can use them as your starting point and add on multimedia courses and even sell your services as a personal coach or mentor for a very lucrative income. Or you can simply focus on e-books from now on. Some of the most popular and best-selling products on ClickBank, for example, are nothing but simple e-books in the form of PDF files. You could even get really well-grounded in your niche by purchasing some of your competitors' products on ClickBank and asking yourself how you can do even better.

Repurposing Content For The Web - How To Reuse Your Old Content   Information Product Creation - Use Different Learning Modalities To Reach Your Target Audience   The Top Two Mistakes of First-Time Information Product Developers   Creating Info Products in Competitive Niches - The Myth Exposed   Tips for Editing Your Audio Products   

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